Rumor: Disney Making a Live-Action Dragon Ball Film With All-Asian Cast

A new rumor is pointing to Disney somehow greenlighting a live-action film adaptation for Dragon Ball.

The new rumor (via WeGotThisCovered) notes a source, who previously (and later proven right) confirmed Mouse House was developing an Aladdin sequel, says Disney is producing a live-cation adaptation of the TV anime Dragon Ball.

Reportedly, the film has a “very big budget” and an “exclusively Asian cast”, although it remains unclear if the film will focus on Dragon Ball or its sequel, Dragon Ball Z.

The previous attempt by Hollywood to produce a live-action Dragon Ball film resulted in the highly disturbing and depressingly awful Dragonball Evolution (pictured above), which premiered in 2009.

As with any rumor, take this with a grain of salt. What do you think? Could Disney produce an authentic, live-action Dragon Ball film? With an all-Asian cast? Sound off in the comments below!



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