A new anime prequel to Detective Conan, called Wild Police Story, will begin airing on December 4th.
Wild Police Story takes place seven years in the past when Rei Furuya was in the police academy. As stated on the official website, Furuya’s penchant for getting into fights at a young age, persisted when he joined the police.
He seems to be struggling to get along with fellow cadet (and another Detective Conan character) Jinpei Matsuda, who seems to loath Furuya’s reasoning on what a police officer should be. The story is based on the 2019 manga of the same name, which ran until 2020.
In Detective Conan, Furuya is an undercover operative who begun penetrating the mysterious Black Organization responsible for drugging the titular Detective Conan. If the name’s not familiar, that might be because Furuya doesn’t appear until episode 667 (or chapter 793 in the manga).
アニメ「警察学校編 Wild Police Story」
\第1弾「警察学校編 Wild Police Story CASE.松田陣平」の放送は
公式HPhttps://t.co/FFcDLQbgeE pic.twitter.com/JVjJLvxsQy
— アニメ名探偵コナン警察学校編【公式】 (@conan_anime1000) November 7, 2021
At the time of publishing, an English release of Detective Conan: Wild Police Story has yet to be announced.